Optionally upload a CSV of data that will be available as data frame "df":
# Thanks to the examples at http://www.rexamples.com/7/Lists and https://www.tutorialspoint.com/r/r_lists.htm # Create a list containing strings, numbers, vectors and a logical values list_data <- list("Red", "Green", c(21,32,11), TRUE, 51.23, 119.1) # Give names to the elements in the list. names(list_data) <- c("stop color", "go color", "a vector", "logical", "first numeric", "second numeric") s <- sum(0:9) alpha <- append(LETTERS[1:13],letters[14:26]) mult <- c(1,6,4,9)*2 something <- c(1,4,letters[2]) # indices start at one, you get (1,4,"b") lenSomething <- length(something) listOfEleven <- -5:5 # You can use a colon to generate a list of numbers listOfTwo <- c("test",3) # The c function combines the parameters into a list and converts them to the same type # Vectors are lists in which all elements have the same type. For example, the c function creates a vector. listGen <- seq(from=1,to=5,by=.6) # seq generates more complex regular sequences bThroughD <- letters[2:4] appendedList <- append(listOfTwo, 2.4, after=1) # looks like append converts to the same type, too l <- letters # Predefined lists L <- LETTERS monthAbb <- month.abb monthName <- month.name # Create two lists. list1 <- list(1,2,3) list2 <- list("Sun","Mon","Tue") # Merge the two lists. merged.list <- c(list1,list2) # Convert a list to a vector list3 <- list(1:5) v <- unlist(list3) list_data s alpha mult something lenSomething listOfEleven listOfTwo typeof(listOfTwo[2]) listGen bThroughD appendedList l L monthAbb monthName merged.list list3 v
matrix math
set operations
time series linear regression
bar plot
box plot
pie chart
using uploaded data
plot a simple x-y function
normal distribution and histogram
linear regression
function with loop
functions, tables, math notation
logit regression
f statistic test