Optionally upload a CSV of data that will be available as data frame "df":
cat("R version of the Khan Academy example here: http://amps.ws/ftest\n") score <- c(3, 2, 1, 5, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7) foodType <- c(rep("food1", 3), rep("food2", 3), rep("food3", 3)) boxplot(score ~ foodType) oneway.test(score ~ foodType, var.equal=TRUE) cat("We therefore reject the null hypothesis with only a 0.8% chance of a Type I error.\n") cat("\n==================================================================\n") cat("\nHere is a less trivial example: http://ww2.coastal.edu/kingw/statistics/R-tutorials/oneway.html\n") data(InsectSprays); attach(InsectSprays); InsectSprays tapply(count, spray, mean); tapply(count, spray, var); tapply(count, spray, length) #boxplot(count ~ spray) #this interface only allows one plot, so comment out the boxplot command above oneway.test(count ~ spray)
matrix math
set operations
time series linear regression
bar plot
box plot
pie chart
using uploaded data
plot a simple x-y function
normal distribution and histogram
linear regression
function with loop
functions, tables, math notation
logit regression
f statistic test