Optionally upload a CSV of data that will be available as data frame "df":
song<-function(n=99) { a<-" bottle" b<-" of beer on the wall, " c<-" of beer. " d<-"Take one down and pass it around: " ## set "beer counter" vector counter<-c(as.character(n:1),"No more") ## set plural s<-ifelse(counter=="1","","s") ## build up the verses vector firsthalf<-paste(counter,a,s,b,counter,a,s,c,sep="") sechalf1.99<-paste(d,counter[-1],a,s[-1],b,sep="") sechalf100<-paste("Go to the store and buy some more: ", counter[1],a,"s",b,sep="") ## song is the vector of n+1 complete verses song<-paste(firsthalf,c(sechalf1.99,sechalf100),sep="") } print(song())
matrix math
set operations
time series linear regression
bar plot
box plot
pie chart
using uploaded data
plot a simple x-y function
normal distribution and histogram
linear regression
function with loop
functions, tables, math notation
logit regression
f statistic test